Barbara J. Clark, Ph.D.
Research Tower Room 501
Associate Professor, Biochemistry & Molecular Genetics & Director of Graduate Studies
My research interests focus on understanding the role of sterol/lipid binding proteins in in cholesterol and bile acid homeostasis in normal and disease states; e.g. diabetic nephropathy, NAFLD, and cholestasis. We study members of the mammalian START (Steroidogenic Acute Regulatory Protein (StAR)-related Lipid Transfer Domain) protein family that bind and transport lipid ligands. This area of research extends from my groups early work on StAR, the founding member of the START domain family, and it’s role in control steroid hormone biosynthesis in testicular Leydig cells and the adrenal. Current interests include defining the role of STARD5 in cholesterol and bile acid metabolism in polarized epithelial cells. We explore mechanisms regulating the expression and function of STARD5 in the kidney, small intestine, and lung. This research is part of a collaborative effort with faculty at the University of Louisville including Drs. Eleanor Lederer [Department of Medicine, Nephrology Division], Dr. Matt Cave [Department of Medicine, GI Division) and Dr. Carolyn M. Klinge [Biochemistry & Molecular Genetics].